Country Cabins' Climate Control Features

shed insulationMany Country Cabins customers want to control the climate inside their storage buildings. If you control the temperature and humidity within your shed, you can turn it into a comfortable space for a hunting cabin, home office, man cave, or she shed. To help you with this, we offer several climate control options for all of our buildings.

Wind and Vapor Barrier

Along the interior of your walls, you can install a wind and vapor barrier. This quality barrier help repel heat and humidity coming in from the outside during summer, and has the reverse effect in the winter, help it stay a little warmer than outside. Some of our Signature Series models come standard with wind & vapor barriers. Ask a sales associate today for more details.

Fiberglass Insulation

For additional heat retention in the winter, we recommend adding fiberglass insulation to your shed. This is the same type of pink or yellow insulation you’ll find in your home. We can install this insulation for you in three places: your shed’s floor, walls, and roof. Floor insulation helps block the cold seeping up from the ground. Wall Insulation helps against high winds bringing in air or the air inside escaping. Lastly, roof insulation helps prevent warm air inside your shed from rising out of the roof.

Spray Foam Insulation

An alternative to Fiberglass Insulation is spray foam insulation. This, too can be placed on your shed's floor, walls, and roof. As it's sprayed, the foam expands to fill in all gaps between studs. It is more durable, more reflective, and longer lasting than fiberglass insulation, but this is a premium material.

Venting Your Shed

The final option for climate protection is shed ventilation. There are two options for ventilation: a ridge vent and a gable vent. Both serve the same function of promoting air circulation within your shed, to control humidity within the building. Without it, you could run into problems with condensation and/or mold in the future. Ridge vents run along the full length of your roof ridge and offer the most airflow. Gable vents come standard and are placed high up on the end walls of the building.

The multiple climate control options aren’t the only aspects that make Country Cabins the best in the Midwest. Check out all of the Country Cabins’ Advantages to learn more!